Robot Mascot vs. The curse of poor communication

Do you have a job title that you’ve given up even trying to explain to friends and family? Then spare a thought for the entrepreneurs and business owners whose viability depends on convincing investors that they’re the ones to back. All too often its poor communication rather than a bad idea itself that prevents companies from getting off the ground.

Seeing the same story repeated time and time again, Robot Mascot launched its mission to wipe out muddled messaging. A specialist communication agency, Robot Mascot turns complicated ideas into something that everyone will understand.

“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you probably don’t understand it yourself” 

There’s a lot to be said for this oft-quoted missive. Breaking your ideas down to their bare bones serves not only to clarify the concepts in your own mind but stands you in a much better position when explaining it to others. Think of it as distilling the essence of your idea.

What’s more, Robot Mascot point out that “around 80% of angel investors consider themselves to be sector-agnostic”. This means that their portfolios aren’t limited to any particular industry or niche. It would be a mistake to assume that any potential investor you meet with will have prior knowledge of your sector and you should adapt your pitch accordingly. 

So, your communication is on-point: clear, commanding and engaging. You’ve avoided what Robot Mascot term the dreaded “zombie stare”. Next up is to ensure your investment idea or start-up is backed by credible business plans and financial projections. Robot Mascot are able to step in here too. We’ve all seen those Dragon’s Den moments – the candidate sails through the pitch only to become undone on their numbers.

poll carried out in early 2020 found that millions of people in Britain had plans of ditching their day jobs in order to start their own business. The majority of these were individuals looking to transform their existing “side hustle” into full-time employment. 

Whether you have plans of turning your secondary venture into the real deal or are looking to bring a start-up idea to fruition, the Robot Mascot website would not be a bad place to start. There is an abundance of free resources to download including useful templates for your business plan, competitor analysis and creative brief.

Would an investor give you their money right now? Robot Mascot’s Pitch Ready Scorecard is a chance to find out. The free, tailored report examines your ability to effectively communicate your pitch, to demonstrate your grasp on the financials and the strength of your business plan. Furthermore, it’s quick and easy to use.

The last thing to take advantage of is a free digital copy of The Investable Entrepreneur, written by Robot Mascot COO, James Church. An Amazon bestseller, this clear, jargon-free guide talks you through the “Six Principles of the Perfect Pitch” that have helped Robot Mascot’s clients become 30x more likely to secure their investments. It includes helpful case studies, a clearly defined process to follow and asks you to consider your pitch from the perspective of the investor.

Specialist PR agency

We serve clients who want support from public relations professionals who can assist them with their communication programmes.  Our work includes PR strategy, media liaison, writing, marketing, brochure and web design.

Our clients want support from people who will be proactive in their approach and who have their clients’ interests at the heart of what they do.

Although based in Surrey, we serve clients from around globe looking for a positive impact to their communication activity.