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Who invented April Fools’ Day?
The 1st April is almost upon us and I can only assume that you are currently bracing yourself for a tidal wave of April fools pranks tomorrow. Some are funny, some witty, some almost believable… others are face-palm worthy. The question which might be ringing in your ears is, ‘who even invented April fools’ day?’…
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We need to talk about Sharenting
Sharenting is a term which first appeared in a 2012 article in the Wall Street Journal about ‘oversharenting’, and refers to parents sharing pictures and videos of their children on social media and internet platforms for fame or financial gain. Whether or not to share pictures of their children online is a big decision for many parents and…
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The importance of imagery in PR
A picture is worth a thousand words. You know the saying. But the question is, ‘why?’ And more importantly, how is the use of pictures beneficial in PR? According to a study by researchers at MIT’s Brain and Cognitive Sciences department, it takes just 13 milliseconds for the brain to process an image. The findings…
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A new word to watch is dunkelflaute
It’s always interesting to learn new words and terms, and one that has recently come to the fore is ‘dunkelflaute’. Dunkelflaute is a quirky German term used by meteorologists which means ‘a dark lull’. It has become widely used within the renewable energy sector to describe a period of time in which freezing temperatures and…
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Why you should switch off your phone this Christmas
What image comes to your mind when you think of Christmas? Is it a chaotic scene of Christmas dinner preparations? Perhaps it’s the office Christmas party, or watching your children shine in their school’s nativity play, or sitting in excited anticipation as they hastily open their presents on Christmas morning? For myself, it’s the picture…
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Freelancers must brace themselves for a tough 2023 founder and international facilitator and speaker, Roy Sheppard predicts that freelancers will face a very tough year ahead, in which their mental resilience will be particularly important. Roy Sheppard said, “As someone who has freelanced through two recessions, with the next one likely to last for up to two years, this will be an…
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Biodiverse spaces for birdlife could help to boost mental health
In a modern world where depression is becoming more common, particularly amongst young people, researchers at a London university has discovered some helpful advice for increasing your level of happiness. A recent study by King’s College London concluded that listening to birdsong for a few minutes each day is linked to a boost in happiness…
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Is it time to abandon the ‘naughty step’?
As a parent of both a teenager and a young baby, I can tell you from personal experience that children will drive you to the brink of insanity. The naughty step has long been a parenting tactic either used to teach children ‘a lesson’, or to find a moment to calm down in the wake…
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Happy Halloween!
What’s this? What’s this? Halloween is here! Or, as I like to call it, ‘National Eat Your Child’s Halloween Candy After They’ve Gone To Sleep Day’! Whether you have spent the past week immersed in scary movies, elbow deep in pumpkin guts and frantically decorating your house to resemble a haunted mansion or are simply…